On 21st of July 2019, Zero Waste Brunei organized the 'Big Beach Cleanup Campaign' at Muara Beach.
The Big Beach Cleanup Campaign was aimed to raise awareness on the impacts of single-use plastic and long term waste on our environment.
Volunteers were required to bring a cardboard box to fill up wastes instead of using plastic bags. In this event, more than 350 people volunteered and managed to fill up more than 200 boxes of all sorts of single use plastics such as plastic bags, bottles, straws and cutlery.
Students from Year 10A and 10B volunteered to be a part of this Big Beach Cleanup and there were over 30 participants that had signed up. During this event, students were separated into two groups and were asked to collect as much rubbish as possible.
This event helped the students to be more conscious about the environment around them and taught the students about the effects of polluting our environment, making them more determined to stop their personal use of single use plastic for the good of Mother Nature and future generations.