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(Monday - Thursday, Saturday)
07:30 a.m. - 04.00 p.m.

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(During School Holidays)

(Monday - Friday)
08:00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m.

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Tel.: (673) 222 4458
Fax.: (673) 222 6910
E-mail: info@stgeorges.edu.bn

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Our History

Fr. Piet de Wit was appointed as a resident priest in Brunei Town in 1937 to assist Fr. Crowther, MHM, who was the first resident priest in Brunei. Fr. Piet de Wit started the first Catholic school in a rented house owned by Mr. Kay in Jalan Padang, which also housed a chapel and the living quarters of the priest.

By 1941, a building to house the activities of the church had been constructed at Kumbang Pasang on the land donated by Mr. George Ah Foott. The school building by this time included a small chapel and living quarters for the resident priest. The priest was also the principal of the school.

During the Japanese Occupation of 1942-45, Fr. Piet de Wit together with the other priests were interned by the Japanese and sent to Batu Lintang, Kuching. The Japanese authorities used the church for their activities while the Anglicans used the school building for their services.

After the war, the school was re-established and managed by Mr. George Newn Ah Foott with his daughters as the teachers. The Mill Hill Missionary priests continued to come to Brunei from Labuan such as Fr. McCarthy, Fr. Ben Walsh and Fr. William Smit. It was Fr. Smit who gave the school the name St. George's School, after its founder and benefactor.

In 1953, Fr. Delaney was appointed as the resident priest. He was instrumental in constructing many buildings. He extended the school and constructed a new church. This building later became the Parish Hall. Fr. Delaney single-handedly taught the 12 Form One students in 1963.

The school building was rebuilt 1963. Fr. Conway was appointed to St. George's School from July 1964 to June 1965. Mrs. Paula Mah started teaching at St. George's School in January 1964. She was in charge of the Form Two students. It was also the time when the school uniforms patterns were chosen by the students and permission was granted by Fr. Conway. He was followed by Fr. Wolbers, who was appointed as Acting Rector and School Principal in September 1966. He also made the school uniform official.

The 12 students sat for the Sarawak Junior Exams in 1965 and scored 100% passes. This excellent performance was published in the Borneo Bulletin.

By January 1969, Fr. Jan Dekker was sent as temporary replacement when Fr. Wolbers left. During this period, Bishop Galvin appointed a layman, Mr. Guy Alwines, as Principal of St. George's School. Fr. Paul Tong was appointed Rector in August 1969. He was followed by Fr. Francis de Vries in 1970 and by Fr. Thomas Keogan.

Fr. Jan Heuschen managed the school from 1972 and took over from Fr. Keogan who left in 1978. Fr. Heuschen was an excellent administrator, who was firm but friendly, demanding but generous. After working in Brunei for thirteen years, Fr. Jan Heuschen left in October 1984. Fr. Dunne took over for a short while until Fr. Peter Chiang was transferred to Bandar from the Seria Parish. In 1991 Fr. Chiang and Fr. McClorey had to leave Brunei. The departure of the last two foreign priests was a time of great trial with the burden of responsibility falling into the hands of the single local priest, Bishop Cornelius Sim.

Principals of St. George's School
19371945Fr. Piet de Wit
1945Feb 1949Fr. Crowther
19491952Fr. William Smit
19531963Fr. Delany
July 1964June 1965Fr. Conway
Sept 19661968Fr. Wolbers
19691971Mr. Guy Alwines
1972Oct 1984Fr. Jan Heuschen
19851986Mr. M. Karunananthan (Acting)
19871988Mr. Benjamin Paul
1989June 1991Mr. M. Karunananthan
July 19911994Hj Abu Hanafiah b. Hj Mohd Sugut
Jan 1995May 1995Awg Othman b. Hj Adol
June 1995Oct 2003Hj Kassim b. Hj Adis
Nov 20032006Hjh Haziah bte D. P. Hj Abu Zar
20072008Mrs. Barbara Shanti Han
20092012Mr. Song Kin Fha
2013PresentMr. Janidi Jingan
Last Updated on Sat, 2 Apr 2011 15:39