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News & Events
English Week 2012
Fri, 6 Apr 2012

AFTER a week of fun filled activities during the English Week 2012, the St. George's Secondary School held a closing day celebration on Wednesday, 5th April, 7.30-9.00 at the School Quadrangle.

The event began with the speech of the HOD of the Department, Mrs. Sheeba Charles, followed by different activities. Year 9 Student Leiza Marian, was rewarded for writing the best motto, "English is the language of Life". English Teachers conducted various competitions like Crosswords, Anagrams, Brain teasers and tongue twisters. Teachers and students enjoyed the different activities and won prizes. 'The best Notice Board' competition was conducted only for the year 9 and 10, students took a lot of effort to fill up the boards with English articles, riddles and jokes. Year 10 B won it, and the overall winners were the year 9 Science students. The Speak English campaign created an impact and it did make students and teachers Listen, read, write and speak English for the whole week!

The English Activity Week 2012 was aimed to give the students a more fun and interesting approach to the English language. Students were asking for more, but it was just enough for a great start for people to love the language.

*Check out this event gallery by click here.