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'Make Courtesy Our Way of Life' at St. George's School
Thu, 10 Mar 2016

A Courtesy Campaign was held on 5th and 7th March 2016 with the objectives of encouraging the community of St. George's School (SGS) to be kinder and more considerate to each other, so as to create a pleasant and social environment, and of encouraging the SGS community to adopt a more courteous attitude and lifestyle.

The launch of the campaign was held at the school compound on Saturday 5th March, 2016. The Principal, Janidi Jingan, delivered an encouraging speech on the importance of being courteous. In his speech the principal noted that with progress and modernization, people today make it their desire to achieve the 5Cs: Cash, Car, Credit Card, Condominium and Country Club. Sadly, the pursuit for the 5Cs has made man self-centered and lack common courtesy for others. Therefore, there is a need to promote a process that instills values, minimizes doublespeak and lead by example. He also hoped that this would be a catalyst to the adoption of another 5Cs : Courtesy, Caring, Compassion, Consideration and Courage, by the SGS community.

The definition of courtesy was explained as graciousness, which can be about compassion and courteous behavior. It is also about being thoughtful and caring towards each other. Further in his speech, the Principal put forth a rhetorical question, asking how often we have come across discourteous behavior or we ourselves are practicing discourteous behavior. Oftentimes we have come across people engaged in loud conversations in public places, speaking loudly into their mobile phones, block passage ways or doors, oblivious to people trying to get past or walk through a door that you are holding open without a 'thank you' or a smile. Some people would book seats in the canteen or at the library so their bags would not have to be placed on the floor. We have also come across young people who do not give up their seats to old people, pregnant women and women with young children. Often times, many young people choose what to do or not to do based on what they get in return. Such people lack respect for others and forges ahead with their self-centered views on life. They live by this motto : 'I , Me and Myself '.Graciousness begins with awareness. We have to know ourselves and to acknowledge our flaws. We need to check and govern ourselves and in the face of ungracious behavior, it is always our choice and within our control whether we respond with grace and courtesy or with the same ungraciousness.

The Principal ended his speech with a saying by Kahlil Gibran, a Lebanese poet; "Whoever would be a teacher of men let him begin by teaching himself before teaching others; and let him teach by example before teaching by word."

The campaign continued with students of different ethnicity and cultures, dressed in their national or native costumes, presenting courteous greetings in their own language. Students had a wonderful time repeating the greetings in different languages. A Courtesy Cheer was delivered by members of the Drama and Creative Arts Club. Colourful posters with slogans and greetings on courtesy decorated the school premise.

On Monday 7 March 2016, students from both the lower secondary and upper secondary school were treated to video clips with Courtesy as the theme. The students watched video clips which portrayed acts of kindness, filial piety, the unconditional love of a parent, patience, creating opportunities to better one's life, true friendship and other heart-tugging video clips that gave moral guidance on living life as a better person. Many students (both boys and girls) were left teary-eyed at the end of the video viewing session. Many left the hall with an extra awareness to be kinder and more considerate to their family members, teachers and to each other. The students were also reminded to make courtesy their way of life.

'A tree is known by its fruit: a man by his deeds. He who sows courtesy reaps friendship and he who plants kindness gathers love.' A proverb.

*Check out this event gallery by click here.