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News & Events
Teachers Day 2016
Wed, 5 Oct 2016

The start of teacher's day was exciting and entertaining. There were various icebreakers which brought joy and laughter to the teachers and students. The roaring crowd overwhelmed the student emcees as they walked up to the stand. Students were bringing themselves to watch the games being played out by the teachers with amusement and happiness.

After treating teachers with a sumptuous brunch, they moved to the parish hall to watch the performance designed for them. The event started with the year 7 dance group, followed by an entertaining dance drama by the year 8. Finally, came the upper secondary skit and dance which were a class. Most of the people in the crowd especially the upper secondary were cheerful and supportive of their classmates giving them the motivation they needed.

Lovely and meaningful reasons were written on an art canvas, and given as tokens of appreciation to every teacher. Besides that, a microwave was gifted to the staff room, bought in the generous contributions made by the students.

This year's teachers day was a success although not everything went as planned the students and the teachers did their part to ensure that the event went well. In the end, everyone had a good time.

*Check out this event gallery by click here.