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Home-Based Learning at St. George's School
By Chew Lai Kwan
Thu, 14 May 2020


Creativity in teaching and learning has no boundary and will surface when the going gets tough, more so during this Covid-19 pandemic situation. It is the most important human resource after all. Having to use the various online platforms, teachers are challenged to enhance their teaching through the introduction of a creative ethos to all kinds of environments for learning, not just in classrooms. The present environment which requires students to stay safe at home yet not miss out on lessons brings out the creativity in teachers, offering an invigorating, albeit challenging, experience for both the students as well as the teachers.

Here at St George's School, each educational section is carrying out various strategies to ensure the continuous learning of our students.

by Lily Sim

Microsoft Power Point is used to deliver the lessons. It contains the teacher's audio recording in guiding and explaining topics, downloaded online videos, and simple guessing quizzes that do not require students to submit answers online. Certain subjects have home activity and parents will send videos or photos of their children performing in it. For instance, the activity of building a model house from any material that is available at home such as cereal boxes or plastic blocks. While performing the activity, they have fun and bond well with their parents.

Weekly schoolwork from the workbook or worksheet will be uploaded so parents can either collect the learning pack from school or does home printing.

The slideshow and schoolwork are uploaded on SGS Home Based Learning website for streaming or downloading.

by Rebecca Elicay

Following the Ministry of Education's directive for all students in Brunei to remain at home due to the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, schools all across the country worked towards a plan for the second term. A number of factors had to be considered: internet connectivity, device access and parents' availability to sit with children, to name a few. These were the factors that the school's primary section had to keep in mind in deciding the best course of action in choosing the distance learning methods they would employ.

Some of the tools that have been engaged by the primary teachers so far are video conferencing via Microsoft Teams and Zoom, holding Instagram live sessions, pre-recording lessons, utilizing Google Classroom features and standard printed hardcopies. Pre-recorded lessons are normally sent as video attachments through WhatsApp, or if files are larger, they are uploaded onto YouTube, and later shared as a link.

Over the past seven weeks, numerous methods were tried and tested by not only the primary teachers, but also parents and students. Teachers adjusted teaching styles as they were given feedback. Those mentioned above are a few that have tested true. The reminder for all teachers this term is that inclusion is at the heart of education and solutions must be well thought out to ensure that all are accommodated.

By Chew Lai Kwan

Though the conventional teaching and learning styles could not be carried out in the second school term, teachers at Secondary school were armed with various teaching tools and platforms such as Google Classrooms, Zoom, Edmodo, Personal Websites, Emails and Whatsapp to ensure students were not left out in their learning process.

From the second week onwards, the teaching process was consolidated and Microsoft Teams became the main platform used by teachers in Secondary school. Live streaming was used to conduct lessons, explain shared notes, discuss revision exercises and assessment papers. Microsoft chat, Power Point presentations and Whatsapp applications, the use of mobile technologies, in webinars, video link from Youtube.com and web links such as BBCbitesize.com were also utilized or shared. Learning Packs were mainly provided for Years 7 and 8 classes though some lessons were conducted live where teachers deem necessary.

Teachers teaching the English Language introduced Readworks.org, an online resource of reading passages and lesson plans for students of all levels.

Teachers keep track of their students' progress through their participation in home-based learning and their assignments that are completed. Through these platforms, teachers can provide suggestions for improvements based on students' responses. Immediate individual or group feedback can be given through video calls or email.

"We don't grow when things are easy, we grow when we face challenges." - Joyce Meyer