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News & Events
Educational Delegation from Singapore
By N. M. Mubarak
Edited by N. M. Mubarak
Thu, 14 Sep 2023
Photo: Nicholas Tju

In an effort to foster cross-cultural educational collaboration and the exchange of innovative teaching ideas, a group of sixteen educators from various Singapore schools led by Miss Lim Puay Ee of Canberra Secondary School, Singapore, embarked on a visit to St. George's School in Brunei Darussalam, on September 13, 2023, Wednesday. 

The visit aimed to create a platform for knowledge sharing, professional development, and to strengthen the bonds between educators from both countries. This report highlights the key aspects of the visit, including the objectives, activities, and outcomes.

The primary objectives of the visit are:

- To facilitate the sharing of pedagogical strategies, teaching methods, and classroom practices between Singaporean and Bruneian teachers.

- To promote cultural understanding and appreciation between the two nations through interactions among teachers. 

- To provide opportunities for professional growth by exposing Singaporean teachers to Brunei's education system and vice versa.

Upon their arrival, the Singaporean visitors were warmly welcomed by St. George's School Principal Mr. Janidi Jingan, Chairman Mr. Anthony Liew, Deputy Principal Mr. N.M. Mubarak, Heads of Sections, and teachers. 

Principal Mr. Janidi briefed the visitors about the school, mission, vision, educational system, facilities, and the activities carried out in the school. Then it was followed by discussions and idea sharing during which teachers of both the countries shared on the school system in Singapore and Brunei. This fostered cultural appreciation and understanding.

Followed by a photo session, the Singaporean educators were given guided tours of St. George's School facilities, including the computer labs, science labs and other facilities.

Both Singaporean and St. Georges’ educators benefited from sharing their experiences and learning from each other. The visit also contributed to stronger cultural ties and promoted mutual understanding between the two nations. 

The visit of Singaporean teachers to St. George's School in Brunei was a resounding success in achieving its objectives of knowledge exchange, cultural understanding, and professional development. 

The visit laid the foundation for future collaborations and continued knowledge exchange. The sessions ended with a sumptuous brunch hosted by St. George’s School.

The Singapore visitors expressed their sincere gratitude to St. George's School in Brunei Darussalam for the warm hospitality and willingness to engage in this educational exchange. They returned home with new ideas and fresh perspectives.