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News & Events
Leaders' Resolution & Appreciation Night
By Jed Ng, Malinda Joseph, Nathaniel Silvestre, Kaitlyn Leong
Edited by Rebecca Elicay
Thu, 5 Sep 2024
Photo: Nicholas Tju

Leaders’ Resolution and Appreciation Night

On Friday, 30th August 2024, student leaders and teachers gathered at the school to host the Leaders’ Resolution and Appreciation Night, a special event dedicated to celebrating a year of diligence and teamwork. The event was meticulously organised by the school’s Head Boy, Head Girl, Assistant Head Boy, and Assistant Head Girl, with guidance from teachers and staff.

The evening began with a warm welcome to the school principal, Mr. Janidi Jingan, and deputy principal, Mr. N. M. Mubarak, followed by an engaging ice-breaking session that set the tone for the night. Enthusiasm filled the room as student leaders eagerly participated.

Jed Ng Xiang Zhe, the school Head Boy, delivered an insightful talk on leadership, emphasising that true leadership is about leading by example. He also highlighted the critical role of communication, noting that effective communication can make or break a team. Following this, the school Head Girl, Malinda Joseph, spoke about the importance of time management and decision-making, noting that these skills are essential for responsive and strategic leadership.

After the inspiring talks, the student leaders were divided into six teams for the first activity of the night. The challenge was to stack cups into a pyramid using only a rubber band and strings, promoting collaboration and enhancing hand-eye coordination. Next, in the hula hoop game, teams held hands and passed a hula hoop along the chain, fostering teamwork, patience, and trust. The following game, 'Capture the Flag' — in this case, capture the balloon— focused on strategy and synchronisation, which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. To close the first half of the activities, the student leaders played charades, improving non-verbal communication skills and strengthening relationships.

Another highlight was a talk on ethical leadership by Assistant Head Boy, Nathaniel Silvestre, who praised the leaders for their attentiveness in taking notes. His talk emphasised the importance of leading by example. The final talk of the evening was given by the Assistant Head Girl, Kaitlin Leong Yng Sze, who discussed building effective teams by focusing on team dynamics, roles and responsibilities, and conflict resolution.

The most anticipated part of the evening began with the principal presenting certificates of appreciation to the heads of the student body and school prefects, followed by the deputy principal awarding certificates to class monitors. The school principal then delivered a brief talk, commending the collaborative efforts of the student leaders and teachers who organized the event together. Student leaders then gathered to receive a special souvenir, which was a piece of the student logo, symbolising their shared commitment and collective achievements throughout the year.

Later, everyone assembled in the school compound for a group photo session, followed by a lively game of charades to keep the energy high. Both student leaders and teachers participated enthusiastically, enjoying the experience. The final challenge tested the students’ active listening and critical thinking skills. The test consisted of 10 riddles, with instructions to carefully read the entire question paper. The twist? A small, nearly invisible line at the bottom of the page that read, “If you see this, do not answer any of the questions. Whisper to me and keep quiet.”

The evening concluded with a delicious and well-deserved dinner prepared by the student heads and teachers. The student leaders extended their heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported this memorable and gratitude-filled event, ensuring its success.